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The game of money

I, myself, had never a good view about money. Money just was there to get me something. My parents always bought things for me. Last week started thinking about it what it is and why people have so many problems with it. Because I thought is was just simple, but is it?

The problem with money

These days people are getting more and more materialism (including myself). Materialism means that people buy this because of emotional triggers such as breaking up, thinking they will be more fulfilled.
And to solve this problem you certainly don’t have to buy things. You have to look at yourself. Look at your inner game. Look at what kind of beliefs you have about money. And perhaps write them down. Think by yourself about your own long term view. Because thats what counts. Not your fulfillment at that time. I know it is hard, I have been there myself. But you can do this, you can start right now.
And if you aren’t buying because of emotional triggers, good job!

The definition of money

Money is for many people, maybe you too, a product for there dreams. For example to have a holiday to a foreign country with their kids. I think you should try to look from this new perspective; Money is a byproduct of your passion. Of course in the beginning of your career you do it for saving money. But after a will and having a 9 to 5 job. You could step up your game and just do what you’re really passioned about. Because even if it isn’t that well payed, you are doing what you love to do. I think you should put your passion before the money even if that needs the offer of living in a basement. I don’t think it gets that serious but I think you get my point :) -> *Money is a byproduct of your passion.*

A quote I really like which shows the economic world we life in;
Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he can rob the world.
There you have it, my view on money. Hopefully you agree with me, let me know :)

Ingmar Heikens

p.s tip; want to step up your money game, read The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness  


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